Blog categorized as Tech

It's not them, it's you.

It's rare that I'm genuinely shocked by sexism and ageism (which often go hand-in-hand) as they are so commonplace but this LinkedIn TV ad stopped me in my tracks. My Mum is in her 70s and is certainly no technophobe. As for other people I know who struggle with computers (and feel a deep shame beca...
20/03/2024 17:03 - Comment(s)
Better offline?

Ever wonder why it's harder to find the products you need when doing your online shop? Or why Google search results never seem to give you satisfaction? Wonder if you've become a technophobe? Constantly irritated why everything seems just, well, worse than before? I really recommend listen...

22/02/2024 22:02 - Comment(s)
Why is everything getting worse?

Things have changed a lot since my Embassy days.  It will come as no surprise to learn that standards  have declined precipitously in the last few years. Even international institutions and major multinationals are producing content that is either  barely comprehensible or completely ...

21/02/2024 16:20 - Comment(s)