Clarify your communications
You know you have a great product but your customers just don’t get how it works.
You’ve updated your FAQs but your team is still fielding endless queries. While you’re despairing at how clueless people are these days, your customers are throwing your product at the wall and ranting about it on Twitter.
I will review, edit or rewrite your content and communications. I have a word salad allergy so will edit your text mercilessly to remove any ambiguity.
I will produce recommendations on ADHD-friendly communications including:
- Means, layout and frequency
- Customer-friendly templates
- Alternative terms
- Font type
However, writing is a new-fangled technology. Neanderthals got by for millenia without it and it took homo sapiens a good 20,000 years to get around to inventing it. Maybe that’s why some of us prefer other methods. For this reason, I can offer recommendations on:
- The use of other media (e.g. audiovisual)
- Images and diagrams
- Visual cues (e.g. colour-coding)
- Verbal communication (e.g. processes, scripts and/or checklists for telephonists)
- Anything else that comes to me (you wouldn’t believe some of the things my brain comes up with!)
With an ageing population and increasing dementia rates, opting for clearer communications and simpler processes should be a no-brainer for businesses and service-providers.
The accessible products and services that are essential for neurodivergent people, would also be a godsend for parents, teachers, carers and the 7,260 adults across in the district who have a learning disability.
After all, whether your service-users or clients are busy executives or overwhelmed parents, fun-loving students or exhausted carers, grieving widowers or party animals, their operating system is unlikely to be bug-free 100% of the time.
My passion for accessible information comes primarily from the frustrations I face when attempting to access, purchase and use the products and services I need.
My background in intercultural education has given me the tools to approach problems from different perspectives and my career in languages has made me obsessive about crafting language to convey meaning clearly, accurately and concisely.
I believe that the benefit of considering atypical brains in communications and processes far outweighs the investment. Our brains deserve more than home-made workarounds. Let’s work on the upgrade together.